Monday, August 6, 2018

Thou Shalt Not Quit

Growing up as a preacher’s kid, you definitely learn the 10 Commandments…but I believe if my dad could have added an 11th commandment to the list, it would have been:


My dad hates when people quit.  

When I hear people say, "We divorced because we grew apart, and we were both just traveling so much..." I think about how my dad served in Vietnam for 2 years, having to leave my mom and newborn baby, Rodney, back home, but that didn't make them quit.

I think about how some say, "We were just kids when we married.  We didn't know what we were doing.  We made a mistake..."  Well, if these aren't 2 kids who managed to stick it out...

My dad doesn't believe in quitting.

My brother Sam learned this the hard way when he agreed to go to a roofing job with my dad, in the heat of Houston summer, and dad wouldn’t let him quit.  Sam had to keep tossing those shingles.  At the end of the work week, Sam pointedly told my dad, “I’m getting myself an education.”

Robby learned this lesson the hard way when, because of a junior high crush who played in the band, he signed up for a year of playing saxophone at school.  (Stand By Me, anyone?)  When the crush didn’t work out, and the saxophone playing FOR SURE wasn’t working out…dad wouldn’t let him quit.

And I, too, learned this lesson when I let the middle school coach talk me into playing a season of basketball.  I despised it.  It was just glorified running, and every once in a while a ball was thrown to me, which I handled terribly.  So basically, because dad wouldn’t let me quit, I spent the season running up and down the gym and counting down the minutes at every practice and game.  Kasey,” he would say, “you told the coach you would play, and that’s what you’re gonna do.”  THOU SHALT NOT QUIT.

But this month on August 24th, my parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.  50 years.  What an amazing occasion to celebrate!  50 years of not quitting.

I’m sure if you just looked at my mom’s facebook account, you would just see a happy-go-lucky couple who enjoys church and family stuff.  By family, I mean grandkids.  But you don’t stay married for 50 years just by going to church and having some fun hobbies or even spending time with your grandkids. 

You stay married for 50 years when you DON’T QUIT.

And over these 50 years, I’m sure there were plenty of times they felt like quitting.  It wasn’t always easy; in fact, a lot of the trials my parents endured would have made almost ANYONE quit. 

But my parents never did.  Still haven’t.

Here they are, celebrating 50 year of marriage!  Congratulations, Mom and Dad! 

In Bible terms, not quitting is called FAITHFULNESS.  It’s doing what you say you’ll do, no matter what.

In sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor…


Mom and Dad, we honor you this month as you reach this amazing milestone in your lives.  Thank you for the life lessons you taught us and continue to teach us, not just by your words, but by your examples.

I am truly SO grateful that God blessed me with you as parents.  

Happy, happy 50th golden anniversary to you!