Tuesday, October 21, 2014

6 months home

I love seeing pictures of babies as they grow month to month; now days moms have all sorts of cute ideas on how to show that their baby is growing and developing.  A lot happens in just a short time in the life and brain of these little ones.  So as we passed our "6 months at home" mark, I've been reflecting a lot about how much has happened in our lives over the past few months since Hope joined our family.  God has been teaching us A LOT.

Well, to begin, Hope is rocking a mullet as her hair grows out.  Check out how different she looks!

But seriously, in the last 6 months, Hope has had a couple of significant milestones!  She learned to ride her bike without training wheels, which, if you had seen her ride her bike WITH training wheels, you'd understand the miracle this is.  Truly.  I didn't really even think it was possible to fall off a bike with training wheels.  But it can be done.  So to see her ride around and around our street cul-de-sac is utterly amazing.  She's come so far!

She also lost her first tooth; well, not her first, but her first with us.  Priya was more excited than Hope was, considering that Hope had no idea about the tooth fairy.  Then when the tooth fairy DID come, Hope was super excited about it.  Then Priya told her she should call Grandma and THAT tooth fairy "would be even better".  Turns out she was; apparently the Grandma tooth fairy has more funds than we do.  $5.00?  Seriously?

And we celebrated our first birthday with Hope last weekend.  That was an event.  To say Hope was excited is the biggest understatement ever spoken.  She could hardly sleep for the week before the party, and we literally had a countdown going.  We normally try to limit gifts for the birthdays, since you already know Grandma is out-of-control, but we decided to allow them for her "first" party. I'm so glad we did.  That girl was flipping-out-excited about all of them (Mommy is less excited about the Elsa doll from the Krugers that sings "Let It Go" in English AND Spanish!  Oh my word.  If I hear "Libre Soy" belted out in the wrong key one more time...)
But I think she felt SOOO loved.  She said many times that evening, "a lot of people come to my party.  A lot of presents!  A lot of people love Hope."  Aunt Leslie made the best Cinderella cake ever, and Hope kept saying that "Aunt Leslie is a very good artist at cakes."  My heart was full to see hers overflowing.

And we've learned a whole lot more about our sweet girl than we knew before.  She doesn't love pink and yellow anymore; she loves pink and BLUE.  Because Mommy and Papa love blue.  She loves Indian food still more than any other food in the USA, except bacon.  She LOOOOOVES bacon. Asks for it every morning.  She says she doesn't think they had bacon in India.  She loves to play with Barbies and babies, to pretend the babies are adopted by the Barbies.  She and Priya also love to play "Orphans", which I'm not really sure how I feel about, but nonetheless they pretend all of their stuffed animals are orphans, and then they go and adopt them.  Sometimes they even play "Orphans with lice" to which I quickly put an end to...I mean, seriously.

We've learned a lot about her nights at the orphanage.  She talks a lot about them.  She talks about India a lot.  It's interesting to hear her memories of India, because while she has many memories of bad and traumatic things, she also remembers anyone and everyone who ever helped her.

The other day she told me this story:
"Mommy, one time in India I was very hungry.  I was walking with my birth mother very far.  My feet were very tired from walking, walking, walking, and my stomach was so super hungry.  The market had so many people.  I was very hungry.  This man gave me his bread.  So I sat down on someone's motorcycle to eat it because my feet were hurting so bad.  Then this other man yelled at me, "HEY!  GET OFF MY MOTORCYLE YOU DIRTY KID!"  So I felt very scary and me and my mommy ran away.  But that nice man gave me bread.  I think so God told that man to give me his bread, and he obeyed."

I literally can't stop crying when she tells me her stories.  I just look at her and think of all that her little heart has had to endure in her short life.  Hunger. Abandonment.  Rejection.  Homelessness.  Pain.  Loneliness.  Unanswered cries.

And yet today, she walks downstairs with Priya, both of them holding their purses in hand.  They have each been saving money for a toy.  But today they said, "Mommy, we want to give this money to Luv Luv's trip to India."  Now, here is my sweet cousin, Luv Luv, who is easily in their "top 5 favorite people" list:
Through tears, I reply, "aw, girls, you are so sweet.  That is so thoughtful.  Are you sure you want to give ALL of your spending money, though?  You don't have to do that.  I mean, you could give part and still spend the other part."  (Nice parenting, by the way.  Way to discourage your child from giving.  Mom-of-the-year.)
Priya says, "It's ok. I want to give it all to her."
Hope says, "Mommy, I think so the girls in India need this money more than me.  I have a lot of toys here."  

So, all their dollars and coins are bagged up, ready for Luv Luv's mission trip to India.

And so, although my sweet little 7 year old daughter may not be hitting the milestones that other kids her age are hitting, I see God already doing a tremendous work in her heart and life.  And I realize that the milestones that I once thought were so important actually don't matter at all.  She'll learn to read, eventually.  She'll speak English fluently, eventually.  She won't spill her food at the dinner table, eventually.  

What matters most to me right now is that she lets me rub in her lotion after her bath without quickly saying, "no thank you, mommy, Hope do it."  Now she says, "mommy, will you rub my lotion and sing the song?"  And instead of lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, indifferent to the fact that I'm there...now she cuddles, snuggles, and asks me to stay. 

That, my friends, is huge progress for my 6 month old baby girl. 

I Corinthians 2:9 "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him."

Monday, May 12, 2014

Hello all, below is a little trailer for our adoption journey documentary.  We have 2 versions, we haven't decided which one to use.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

One More Blog

Wes:  Hello, its 3 am in the USA and 2pm in India.  So nothing makes sense, I'm on my own time now.  Please continue to pray for us, I have a fever and Hope is puking.   Hope is adjusting well, Priya and Hope are doing dance shows for grandma all day ( I think I heard the keyboard music going for 4 hours).  Thanks grandma for watching the shows while I snooze.

Don't get me wrong God has shown His hand and favor in this whole process.  I m not sure how many people reading this has gone through adoption or foster care.  We've been through it before, and Priya has adjusted very well.  It's still a transition for me.  Having a stranger come into my life in a week, and now live with me for the rest of my life.  This is only a God love.  I still feel strange when Hope needs hugs, kisses, and snuggles.  I know she needs it, so I'm not rejecting it.  I m 30 something, adopted once already, and took ETC(adoption training) classes, but I feel weirded out by it.  I think because Hope is moving faster than I expected.  She hasn't had hugs, kisses, and snuggles for many years.  She hasn't had parents, and she has been fatherless for years.  She has been defending herself on the streets for years.  Now she needs me to be a father and her defender.  Thank you God for choosing me to hold this role.  For all the men who are considering adoption, its ok, God will supply all your needs.  No one says its easy, and God will provide strength.  God has adopted me into His family and takes me as I am, He defends me.  So I will defend Hope and Priya.  "You can take our lives, but you can't take our FREEDOM!"  This is a Braveheart quote.  I know it doesn't make sense here, but It was getting too serious, so I had to back off a bit.

Kasey might not want me to post these pics, but I think it's important to show you some transitions in the lives of our daughters.  If you are adopting, you might get a pic and be frightened.  It's ok, they all need love and a father.  We will all grow and be stronger together through the Lord.  These pics made us cry, and I was always paranoid about having jacked up kids, but the Lord has prevailed and they are wonderful.  Some may think the pictures are bad, but let me remind you that we all look dirty and are sinners in God's eyes.  We are washed by the blood of Jesus and cleansed.

Here is one of Priya's first pics that they emailed.  They shaved her head completely.  She was abandoned in 2008 at the Orphanage door-step Pune, India.

Priya now 2014:

Hope in 2010.  She was found abandoned and found by police  in New Delhi, India:

Hope now 2014 in Houston, TX. 

This is not to discourage anyone, but to encourage you that you have the power to change lives.  We have time, money, and resources.   So self-evaluation, what do we do with our money?  Do we buy more stuff, things, stuff that moths and rust will eat?  Do we waste time and chase after the wind? These kids have nothing.  They just want a loving home.

This is plenty of serious sappy stuff for me.  Sorry, I only can do this dose at a time.  
Some of you heard of the term FOB from the previous posts, but I took the liberty to take photos.  This is not to make fun of anyone, its just for fun.  I know its messed up, but I'm a part of it also.   (Oh, if you dress or look like this, its ok, but please send me a pic of you)

Its 4am, Kasey just walked out of the bedroom, and now I hear the girls giggling upstairs.  I guess the whole Mathew family is up.  Going to church in 4 hours.  Peace out!

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Blogger shows that 36,000 people around the world are reading these posts.  I m not sure how google came up with that number, it shows it read in about 8 different countries.  I hope through the Lord that we have inspired, blessed, and broken your hearts for the fatherless.  

Here are some useful resources that we have experience with (There are many more than these):

Adoption agencies:  
1. International Family Services
2  America World Adoption

Financial assistance:
1.  Lifesong for Orphans
2.  Show Hope
3.  www.runforhopehouston.org (fundraising)

1.  Empowered to Connect (ETC)

Houston adoption Community:
1.  Houston's First Baptist Church, Legacy 685

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Welcome Home, Hope!

The last few days are a blur, but thanks to our dear friend Ashley Monogue (http://ashleylaurenphotography.com/), we have some precious pictures from our arrival home.  Unless Wes decides to continue honing in on his writing skills, we probably won't post after this.  (Wes has been sleeping all day, so he may wake up at 2 a.m. and decide he has more crazy stuff to share.  We'll see.)

We do want to thank you all again SO very much for your prayers.  Our God is truly mighty, magnificent, powerful, omniscient...and yet, He cares about the intimate details of our lives.  He is worthy.  I'm so thankful to be adopted into HIS family!

Enjoy the pictures!  Wes, Kasey, Priya, and Hope