Sunday, March 23, 2014

Our adoption journey

Welcome to the Mathew family blog!  Let me just give 2 disclaimers now: 1) we have no intention of keeping up with this blog after we return from India, and 2) when you see a ton of grammatical errors, ebonics, or other nonsense, please know that likely means that Wes wrote the post.  Soon I'll be working with all 3 of my little Indians and their English! ;)

In 2010, we brought home our sweet daughter, Priya!  Adoption has changed our lives!  We believe adoption is a beautiful picture of the gospel, as God rescues us from the dominion of darkness and makes us His children!  Galatians 4:4-5 "...God sent forth His redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons."

In 2011, we decided to begin the adoption process again because we knew that India was making many changes to their adoption program, and we anticipated a much longer wait.  We received our referral of Hope in 2013.  We have been anxiously waiting to bring her home!  We have sent her family pictures, homemade gifts, blankets, and more...trying our best to convey our deep love for her!

We leave tomorrow to bring her home!

Wes:  I know my writing is bad, oh well.   I'm hauling a butt-load of luggages to India.  10 Suitcases.  Kasey is trying to correct me now as I write, so I'll stop.


  1. Love. this. Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us! We miss you guys - well, mostly just Kasey and Priya, but I guess we'll include Wes too. :)

    Love the title. Love the journey. Love the heart.

  2. LOL! This makes me miss y'all! Blessings!

  3. Love Wes's comments. You guys crack me up! I'm so excited for all 4 of you and look forward to seeing how your journey to get Hope progresses. Praying for you all.

  4. Thank you for not being "old school & bothersome";) Praying you up big time & certain God has perfect plans for your family.

  5. Lol!!!! You guys are hilarious and I love your heart!!! I will be checking this daily :). Can't wait to meet Hope! Miss you!

  6. We love yall and just praying for God to go before to make all the things fall in place. Nothing is impossible for Him. He will be right there protecting and keeping yall safe to bring Hope home. Many blessings The Robinson's

  7. I can't believe you are on your way! And Wes is doing the blog!! I will take it as long as I get an update! Cannot WAIT to meet Hope!!!!

    The title is hilarious....

  8. in genesis, God said "it is not good for the man to be alone. Let's make someone to nag him..." or something like that!

  9. Kasey! Melody shared with me the blog, lovin' the title and praying for all four of you!
